Dr. Raquel P. Herrera, biographical sketch

Dr. Raquel P. Herrera was born in Alicante (Spain), in 1977. She received her B.S. (1999) and M.S. degrees (2000) at the University of Alicante, and completed her Ph.D. (1999-2003) under the supervision of Prof. Guijarro and Prof. Yus at the same university. She then took up a European postdoctoral contract with Prof. Ricci (Bologna, Italy) until March 2006, at which time she joined Prof. Lassaletta’s group at the IIQ-CSIC (Seville, Spain). She was appointed as a permanent researcher (ARAID program) at the ISQCH-University of Zaragoza in January 2008 and in 2011 she obtained a permanent position as Tenured Scientist of the Spanish Council of Research (CSIC) at the same Institute. Her research interests are focused on asymmetric organocatalysis and its applications. In 2012 she was awarded with the Lilly Prize to the best young scientist less than 40 ages, in Spain.

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